It's not news, it's . . .

Heart of Farkness: The Fark Fiction Anthology

Here it is! What will be our very first collection of stories from Farkers. We're glad you decided to participate.

We're looking for original fiction, either short stories or excerpts from longer works, between 1,500 and 15,000 words long. Your story must fit into one of the following categories: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Horror, or Mystery/Thriller.

There are a few technical/legal terms you should be familiar with before we start. We'll call those “Terms.” There are also some conditions that have to be met before we can accept or publish anything. We'll call those “Conditions.”

So before you send us anything, be sure you read—and understand—the Terms and Conditions.

Heart of Farkness Submission thingee

Submitting to Heart of Farkness:

By submitting to Heart of Farkness you hereby agree to the Terms and Conditions.

Please send your submission in the body of an email, not as an attachment (cut and paste it into the email itself) to:

Please include the title of your work, the genre (Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Humor or Mystery/Thriller) and any information you think we'd be interested in in the top of the email.
